
“as told to” 117
ABC News 61
about the author 3, 59, 60, 61, 143, 152, 155
about the company 155
abstract 66, 98
accents 123
accountant 16, 33, 35
acknowledgments 59, 61, 62
active voice 66, 71
actual damages 47
actual malice 113, 114
additional insureds 5
adjectives 15, 66, 67
Adobe Dreamweaver 3, 30, 144
Adobe Garamond Pro type font 51
Adobe Illustrator 163
Adobe InDesign 2, 3, 14, 28, 51, 54, 62, 79, 120, 163, 164, 167
Adobe PageMaker 2
adult-education class 19, 66
advanced 2, 12, 40, 69, 105, 164
Advanced Marketing Services, Inc. 93, 108
adverbs 66, 67
advertising 22, 28, 32, 44, 57, 68, 105, 117, 132, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 156
affirmative consent 131
afterword 62
agent 2, 3, 5, 11, 18, 34, 92, 170, 173
Aggressive Tax Avoidance for Real Estate Investors 15, 16, 17, 19, 41, 50, 57, 77, 87, 100, 102, 105, 148, 149, 152, 161
airport book stores 95
ALA Booklist 112
alcoholism 76
all-in-one machine 31
Allen, Robert 159
All You Need to Know About the IRS 62
Alpha-Graphics 28
amateur photographer 50
amateur reviewer 11
Amazon 3, 11, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 105, 109, 115, 121, 122, 127, 129, 144, 155
Ambrose, Stephen 11, 12
American Arbitration Association 107
American Baseball Coaches Association 38
American Booksellers Association 147, 169
American Football Coaches Association 38
American Football Quarterly 38
American Society of Indexers 119
anger 16, 17
Anglo-Saxon derivative words 66
annuity 6
anonymous 47, 48, 68
answering machine 31, 123, 128, 164
anti-trust law 94
Apartment Investing Checklists 13, 83
APO 125, 128
appendix 79
Apple II 14
Apple LaserWriter 164
Apple Newton handheld computer 96
appointment 138
arbitration 107
Arial Black 51, 75, 79
articles 3, 14, 29, 44, 48, 66, 84, 116, 143, 144, 145, 154, 156, 170
article-idea submissions 76
articles for sale 44
artist 53
Art of Plain Talk 66
Art of Readable Writing 66
Asimov, Isaac 9, 14, 45
assets 8, 25, 116
asset protection 16
Associated Press 6, 61, 110, 177
Association of American Publishers 169
Atlantic Monthly 67
attic 133, 141
attorney 5, 21, 22, 44, 66, 76, 107, 116, 117, 125
Audio book 19
audio cassette programs 66
Australia 124, 148
Author’s Guild 38, 113, 169, 170
authoring software 28
author photo 61
autographing 157
average order size 103, 149
back cover 49, 52
back list 159, 160
Back to the Future 126
bad credit 94
bad pay 93
bad reputation 114
bad writing 67
Baker & Taylor 112
balance sheet 23
Baltimore Ravens 38
Bank of America 21
bankruptcy 25, 93, 94, 108
Banta 137
bar codes 49, 135
Barnes & Noble 90, 92, 98, 100, 105, 155
Barney’s 126
baseball 13
Basic English 69
batching 103
beat 73
beginners 22, 45, 62, 105
Bertelsman 137
best seller 54, 61, 159, 160, 161
beyond a reasonable doubt 114
Bezos, Jeff 104, 105, 109
bias 73
Bible 54, 97
bibliogrophy 2, 117, 119
bids 137, 171
Billick, Brian 38
binders 163
binding 2, 7, 8, 28, 30, 31, 41, 45, 54, 96, 112, 164, 175
bios 60
black-and-white photographs 80
Blair, Eric Arthur 48
blank check 94
blank page 44
blank pages 43
blank space 81
bleed 50
bluff 108
body text 75, 79
book-for-sale Web page 95
book cartons 133, 137, 138, 140, 141
book chains 49
Bookcrafters 137
Book Expo America 111, 172
Book Industry Study Group 95
bookkeeping 23
bookland EAN bar code 49
book manufacturer 3, 8, 15, 28, 30, 34, 41, 45, 50, 53, 54, 88, 91, 93, 134, 137, 160, 170, 172
book reviews 11, 104
book shelves 164
book signings 4, 156
Books in Print 99, 155
books on hand 106
book stores 2, 4, 11, 45, 49, 51, 53, 57, 156, 160, 170
book tour 156
Borders 92, 98, 105
Born-on date 41
Boston, MA 141
both sides 72, 73
box cutter 140
brand 96, 97
branded product 96
Brandeis, Louis D. 113
Brazil 35
break even point 149
break up the page 75
brick-and-mortar retailers 3, 95, 102
Britain 124
British Commonwealth 124
Bruss, Bob 154
bubble wrap 55, 132
Buchwald, Art 57
built-in book shelves 164
bullet lists 75, 79
Bunard, Vietnam 39
bureaucracy 71, 91, 111, 154
Bush, Geroge W. 51
business-size envelope 152
business hours 138
business insurance 34
business license 1, 21, 32
buzziness 104
byline 48
C.O.D. 124, 165
Cacciotti, Ace 37
California Coaches Association 38
California Superior Court 107
call waiting 164
Canada 115, 124, 125, 128, 148
cannibalization 99
card deck 147
card stock 28, 29, 30, 31, 53
Carlin, George 67
Carnegie, Dale 15, 17, 157, 178
carrying costs 3, 29
cartons 34, 138, 140
cartoon 53, 57
cassettes 19
Cataloging in Publication 59, 60
catalogs 60, 91, 92, 103, 132, 135, 147, 148, 151, 152, 155, 156, 160, 172
CDs 19
celebrity 4, 62, 156
celebrity prefaces/forwards 62
cell phone 31
chain book stores 92
chains 70, 87, 98, 125, 155, 169, 173
Chancellor, John 66
changes 143
Changes to Football Clock Management website page 41
Changing Times 83
Chapter 11 bankruptcy 108
chapter titles 2, 62, 75, 79, 80, 167
Charlotte’s Web 71
chat groups 105
checklist 13, 83, 151, 167
checks 22, 23, 89, 92, 93, 94, 122, 123, 128, 134, 154
Chicago Bears 37
Christmas party 107
Circuit City 110
Clancy, Tom 4, 37
class 19
classified ads 68
Clayton Antitrust Act 94
clear and convincing 113
Clearwater, FL 94
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne 48
clichés 72
Clinton, President 28
co-author 76, 117
coaching 17
Coaching Youth Flag Football 155
Coaching Youth Football 12, 106, 155
Coaching Youth Football Defense 155
coating 53
coffee-table book 80
college extension 19
college professors 154
college students 154
color 31, 144
Columbia Journalism Review 116
columnists 38, 48, 154
column width 75
comb binding 2, 30, 31, 43, 112
Comcast Digital Cable 30
Commando Priest picture 61
commodity 96, 97, 98, 102, 104
common law libel 116
commute 1, 27
company name 22
competitive industries 93
complaints 30, 41, 45, 52, 71, 77, 89, 91, 99, 107, 113, 120, 127, 130, 131, 132, 134, 154, 172
complimentary review copies 152
computer, Macintosh 2
computers 33, 51, 121
concession 102
concordance 120
concrete words 66
conflict of interest 73
conflicts-disclosure form 107
Congress 27, 41, 47, 59, 60, 111, 169
consignment 88, 89, 93
consumer choice 122
contact information 21, 60, 152, 153
contact person 152
contract 4, 5, 6, 7, 24, 35, 76, 87, 88, 105, 106, 107, 172
convention 17, 28, 38, 39, 48, 54, 57, 59, 93, 105, 111, 124, 147, 156, 160, 172
conversion 106
copier 31, 164
copy editors 84
copyright 6, 47, 48, 59, 95, 96, 97, 117, 143, 160, 167
Copyright Basics 47
Copyright Permission and Libel Handbook 116
corporation 1, 5, 21, 22, 25, 93, 116
correctional facility 127
cost method of valuing inventory 33
cost of goods sold 32, 33
court Web sites 39
cover design 2, 28, 50, 52, 55, 80, 135, 172
cover colors 53
credibility 62, 130
credit 111, 138
credit cards 8, 23, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 165
crossover point 99
Crown Books 98
custom design 122
customer-centric 104
customer is always right 125
customer service 55, 97, 121, 122, 127, 129, 149, 151, 164, 165
customs 133
customs forms 124, 125
“do not bend” 132
Dacey, Norman 16
Dale, Dr. Edgar 70
Dalton, B. 98
damaged book covers from rubbing 53
damaged books 55, 88, 89, 92, 101, 106, 127, 133, 134, 140, 163
Dart Drugs 98
dead-end street 138
death threats 130
dedication 59, 62
deductible 27, 28, 33, 116
defamation 113, 116
Dell, Michael 102
Dell Computer 96, 102
Delta Lithograph 15, 137
depression 18, 152
description 3, 22, 128, 143, 167
design 2, 23, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 69, 74, 80, 122, 135, 172
designer 51, 52, 53
desk 55, 163
Desmond, Norma 39
details 67
diagrams 28, 53, 75, 163
Dible, Don 74, 93
Dible, Jill 53
Dickens, Charles 67
dictionary 34, 71
direct mail 43, 44, 52, 90, 93, 100, 103, 121, 122, 147, 169
directories 10, 38, 39, 99, 105, 152, 155
direct sales 99, 100, 103
disability 34
disadvantages 1, 21
disclaimer 59, 62, 114
discounts 8, 22, 87, 89, 90, 94, 97, 98, 100, 104, 129, 130, 134, 154, 155, 161, 169
Discover Card 8, 165
discrepancy 90, 107
disintermedition 96
display ads 103
distribution 69, 88, 92, 94, 97, 99, 101, 108, 173, 175
Distribution Trap 102
distributors 2, 3, 4, 6, 22, 23, 49, 51, 53, 87, 89, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 109, 111, 115, 137, 155, 160, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175
doctors 37
DocuTech 8
dollar bill 75
dolly 140
double-window envelopes 23, 124
Doubleday 7, 8, 41, 84, 137
Dowd, Maureen 15
Dr. Z 38
drafts 2, 76
drawings 28, 53, 80, 139 110
duplicate chapter numbers 167
durability 54
Durgin Park 125
Dvorak, August 74
Dvorak keyboard 74, 75

e-commerce 104
EAN bar code 49
early adopter 96
earn-out arrangement 25
eBay 40
ebooks 96
eccentric 10
economic order quantity 29
Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 15
economies of scale 103, 104
editing 73, 75, 83, 84, 85, 178
editions 4, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 33, 41, 44, 45, 50, 51, 61, 62, 65, 77, 96, 98, 106, 115, 124, 143, 148, 149, 155, 178
Editorial Fact Sheet 91, 107
editors 2, 5, 13, 16, 61, 83, 84, 85, 130, 151, 152, 172, 173
education 60
educational courses 28
eggery 12
Eighteen wheeler 138
eighteen wheeler 138
Elements of Style 66, 71
Eliot, George 48
Email orders 124
emails 30
Embargoed 152
embezzlement 106
Emerson 12
Emmy 61
employee 165
employees 1, 34, 35
Endicia 35, 121, 123, 124, 125, 133
endurance riding 12
engineering 77
English-speaking countries 148
English composition lessons 170
English teachers 65, 71, 72, 84
entertainment books 11
envelopes 134
Epson 600 29
equipment 28, 139
errata 143
errors 123, 167
errors-and-omissions insurance 5
Evans, MaryAnn 48
Eviction Book for California, The 101
Ex cathedra 73
exchanges 83
executive director 38
executive summary 43
expectations 121
expertise 73
experts 159
express 15, 57
eXtensible Markup Language 95
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of 159
falsely 50
fame 157
familiar word 66
family 1
fan 1, 6
fans 149, 157
farmers market 103
Faulkner, William 70
fax 31, 123, 164
FBI 108
fear of the record 9
Federal Express 107
Federal Income Taxation of Real Estate 100
Federal Trade Commission 121, 131
Fed Ex 125
feedback 48
fellow writers 38
felony 113
female writer 48
fiction 11, 37, 114
fictitious name 22
Fidlar Doubleday 41, 43
film lamination 53
financial genius secret decoder ring 97
Finding and Buying Your Place in the Country 159
fines 90, 172
fired 1
first-year expensing 33
First Amendment 62, 170
First Class 123
first class mail 131
first order 144
first paragraph after a subhead 167
first paragraph of chapter 167
Fisher, Jeff 37
fixed assets 8
Flat-Rate envelope 35
flat-rate envelope 133
Flesch, Rudolf 66, 67, 71
Flesch readability score 67, 68
flush left 79
fool for a client 117
football 17
Football Clock Management 37, 41, 52
football coaching 12, 13
Football Writers Association of America 38, 169
footers 79
Ford 122
foreign 165
foreign countries 124
Foreign rights 148
foreign trips 27
foreword 59, 62
fork lift 139
format for bibliographies 119
Form TX 47
formula 28, 68, 99
Forrester Research 110
Fort Lauderdale 116
Fort Myers, Florida 116
forwarding address 148
Forwarding and address correction requested 148
forward mail 135
four hours a day 74
Fox, Michael J. 126
FPO 125
Franklin, Ben 48
fraud 171
freebie 151
free chapters 144
free consulting 123
free copies 167
Freedom of Information Act 40
Free envelopes and boxes 124
free samples 143
free shipping 97
free update post card 17
French 71
French-Latin 66
friends 65
frivolous lawsuit 5
front cover 50, 143, 167
front matter 79, 143
Front Page 30
FTP programs 3
fulfillment 141
Fulfillment service 134
fulfillment service 134, 135
full-color 50
full-color chart 52
full-color photograph 50
full-length book 45
full-page ads 148
full-price refund 89, 90
full service 126
furniture 27, 34
Galley’ copies 153
Gap 110
Garner, James 5
Garrity, David 110
Gas station 126
gatekeeper 11
gatekeepers 173
Gates, Bill 14
general interest books 103
General Motors 122
genius 77
genre 17, 103
get-rich-quick real estate investment guru 60
get-rich-quick seminar 119
getting a publisher 3
getting it published 2
Gettysburg Address 71
Ghost writer 117
gift givers 54
gifts 95
Gillespie, Elizabeth 6
gimmicks 147
gist of the story 114
gloss layflat lamination 53
Glubetich, Dave 14
gobbledygook 72
Gomes, Lee 109
Good Morning America 151, 153
Google 3, 12, 21, 39, 40, 62, 68, 95, 99, 103, 105, 133, 137, 143, 144
Gorin, Norman 38
grad school 60
grammar 65, 68, 71
grammar checker 85
graphics 28, 50, 51, 53, 55, 80, 83, 145
Green, Graham 66
green beret 39
Group email 137
group ownership 76
Gunning, Robert 9, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72
Gunning Fog Index 67, 68
H-P 4100DTN laser printer 164
H-P LaserJet 5MP laser printer 164
Haft, Bobby 98
Hale, William 67
half signature 43
Hall of Fame 37
hand truck 139, 140
handwriting 2
Hapoalim Securities USA Inc. 110
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 2, 4, 13, 17, 48, 76, 80, 83, 84, 101
hard-cover design 55
hard back 112
hard cover 54, 55
HarperCollins 60
Harvard Business School 5, 23, 48, 65, 104, 161
Harvard MBA 96, 98
Harvard Square 125
Haslam’s Book Store 94
head set 31
health insurance 1
heat-binding machine 30
hedging 72
Helvetica Bold 51
Hemmingway, Ernest 68, 69, 70, 74
Hershey 13, 147
Hewlett-Packard 102
higher prices 100
high margin 8
high school dropout 60
hobby 1, 33
hole punch 163
Hollywood’ accounting 5
Holmoe, Tom 38
home and family 61
home builders 48
home office 5, 21, 27, 32, 49
homeowners association rules 130
home page 145
honest living 1
Hong Kong suit syndrome 53
hot wax 53
how-to book 11
How I Turned $1,000 into $5,000,000 in Real Estate in My Spare Time 57
How to Avoid Probate 16, 19, 57
How To Become Financially Independent by Investing 159
How to Buy an Office Building 50
How to Buy Real Estate for Little or No Money Down 105
How to Do a Delayed Exchange 100
How to Get Started in Real Estate Investment 105
How to Increase the Value of Real Estate 53, 133
How to Manage Residential Property 125
How to Manage Residential Property for Maximum Cash Flow and Resale Value 50, 57
How to Maximize Your Leverage and Minimize Your Income Taxes 14
How to Use Leverage to Maximize Your Real Estate Investment Return 50
How to Win Friends and Influence People 57
How You Can Become Financially Independent by Investing in Real Estate 57
HP 12C 31
HP 4100 DTN Laser Printer 28
HP Model 270 Color Copier 31
HTML 3, 95
Huang, Jack Chien Ching 27
HUD 50
human interest 66, 67, 71
Hypertext Markup Language 95
hyphenation 79, 80
Ibico binding machine 2, 3, 8, 30, 41, 164
IBM 14
IBM Selectric 74
ignorant 13
illegal copying 44
important” books 153
impress 15, 65, 68, 71
in-person order 124
income and expenses 23
incorporating 21
incremental sales 99
indemnification 5, 92
indemnity clause 172
indentation 79, 80
independent book store 104
independent book stores 169
independents 98
InDesign 2, 3, 14, 28, 92
Index 167
index 28, 75, 79, 119, 143
index page numbers 167
index software 163
inflation 7
Inflation Survival Letter 13
Ingram 90, 92, 101, 105, 109, 112, 155
inhibitions 9, 48
ink cartridges 29
inkjet cover 54
inkjet printer 3, 52
inmate search 39
innovative products 102
inquiries 151
inside 140
inside front cover 52
inside margin 45
Institute of Real Estate Management 38, 39
insurance 29, 34, 35, 116
insurance premium 5
insurance premiums 165
intellectual stamina 45
Interest-free loan 173
interlibrary search 40
Internal Revenue Code 67, 77
internal search engines 39
International Platform Association 39
international shipping labels 133
International Standard Book Number 155
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 49
Internet 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 21, 30, 31, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 52, 61, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 119, 143, 147, 148, 154, 169, 170, 175
Internet, before 99, 105
Internet-only retailer 92
Internet book store 155
Internet book stores 155
Internet Commerce Committee 95
Internet connection 164
Internet era 108
Internet juke box 44
Internet service provider 143
introduction 59, 62
invasion of privacy 5
inventory 3, 25, 29, 34, 50, 77, 134, 155
Investigative Reporters and Editors Association 38, 40
Investigative Reporters and Editors association 169
Invisible Web 39
invoice 123, 149
IPO 104
IRAs 17
IRS audit 152
IRS Form 1040 50
ISBN numbers 6, 49, 50, 59
jacket 55, 60
jail 127
jargon 71
Jauron, Dick 37
Jekyll (Dr.) and Hyde (Mr.) 110
Johnson, Samuel 4
John T. Reed Publishing 22, 49
journalism 72, 73
journalists 71, 73
JPG format 92
justified 79
Kamerof, Bernard 57
keep with next 80
kerning 51, 79
keyboard 74, 75
keyboard format preference 75
Keystone Kops 107
King, Stephen 4, 175
Kinko’s 164
Kiplinger 83
Kissinger, Henry 38
Kiyosaki, Robert 21, 159
Klein, Joe 48
Kremer, John 149
lame graphics 51
laminated cover 53
Lance, Peter 61
Landlording 14, 16, 50, 57, 101, 159
landlords 152
Larry King Live 151
LaSalle Drive 139
laser printer 2, 8, 23, 28, 164
Lass, author 66
late penalties 172
Latin 71
law books 103
law library 40, 106, 115
lawsuits 21, 22, 169
lawyers 35, 37, 67
lay a dollar bill on one of your pages 75
layout of pages 75
layouts 81
lazy 126
leading 45, 79
leading questions 73
lead sentence 73
Leary’s used book store 88
legacy problem 102
legal advice 62
Legal fees 116
legal size 31
legal writing 67
Lennox, Dave 39
Leno, Jay 76
letter of commendation from the IRS 152
Levy, Marv 37
liability 34
liars 159
libel 5, 39, 115
Libel Defense Resource Center 115
libraries 39, 54, 57, 59
library distributors 111
Library of Congress 47, 59
Library of Congress Catalog Card 111
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 59
library rate 131
lifestyle 33
lifetime subscription 24
lifetime supply 106
lift gate 139
light table 53
Lincoln, Abraham 71
linguistic speed bump 66
links 143
litigation 5
litigation insurance 172
little square with a triangle on top 50
live audience 66
lobbying 170
local media 148
local truck 139
logo 23
long distance 134
long sentence 68
loose-leaf bind 112
looseleaf binder 167
looseleaf binders 17, 30
Los Angeles Times 152
low-cost producer 97, 104
low-overhead 8
Lowry, Al 159
Luddites 75
luggage 141
Macintosh computer 2, 14, 28, 51
Mackay, Charles 159
mail-order ads 154
mail-order book 52
mail fraud 90
mailing list 17, 25, 148, 151
Mail Or Telepone Order Merchandise Rule 131
make it up in volume 104
Mama Leone’s Restaurant 126
Mangalindan, Mylene 110
Manhattan 141
manual typewriter 2
manuscript 79, 84
margin 45, 79, 100, 165
margins 44
market 170
marketing 3, 13, 17, 149
mass advertising 105
mass market 105
Mastercard 21
matte finish for covers 53
MBA 77
McGraw-Hill 5
McVeigh, Margaret?Mary 110
meals and lodging 27
Media kit 155
media libel 113
Media Libel Law survey 115
media relations 37
medical books 103
meetings 1
Mencher, Melvin 72
mentor 87
mentoring” services 119
merchant relationship 21
meritocracy 172
Miami federal court 116
Michigan 138
Microsoft Word 68
middleman 3, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 109
military 125
military secret 5
Millionaire Next Door 53
minimum price 100
minimum retail price maintenance 94
miniwarehouse 141
minor children 35
Miracle of the Meadowlands 37
missing cartons 141
Miss Wyoming 48
MLS book 53
Model T car 122
modem 14
Money 152, 153
Money magazine 61, 73
money orders 123
monopoly 92, 99, 108, 172
Monopoly Game 51
monthly statement 106
Morita, Akio 161
Morris Publishing 29
movie 50
Movie extras 126
Mulpru, Sucharita 110
Multi-copy orders 135
Multiple books 149
muse 76
music industry 45
names 67
naps 1
Narrow street 138
National Apartment Association 38, 147
National Association of Home Builders 147
National Association of Real Estate Editors 38, 169
National Association of Realtors 38, 147
National Collegiate Athletic Association 39
National Endowment for the Arts 6
National Federation of Interscholastic Coaches Associations 38
National Federation of Press Women 116
National Football League 39
National Home Builders 39
National Speakers Association 39
National Writers Union 169
National Youth Sports Coaches Association 38
negotiating 2
Neopost 135
net income 1, 4, 33, 98, 100, 102, 121
new customer 143
new edition 41, 106
New Guide to Better Writing 66
New Jersey Superior Court 110
news groups 105
newsletter 23, 48, 75, 76, 84
Newsletter & Electronic Publishers Association 169
Newsletter Association 38, 169
news media 99
newspaper 67, 154
newspaper column 153
news release 143, 151, 155, 167
News release format 152
News release mailing list 152
News Reporting and Writing 72
Newsweek 38, 152
New Yorker 84
New York Giants 37
New York State Department of Corrections Web site 39
New York Times 61
New York Times Book Review 153
New York Times v. Sullivan 113
New Zealand 124
Nexis 151
NFL 37
NFL Films 37
nickel-and-dime distributor charges 90, 101, 106
Nickerson, William 159
no-returns basis 89, 160
no-returns policy 89
no change 152
no garage 141
nolo contendere 71
noms de plume 48
non-book-store books 91
non-book store distributors 93
non-book store price 100
non-fiction 11, 37, 40
Non-USPS shipping supplies 132
nonfiction 119
Northstar computer 14
Nothing Down 159
Nothing Like it in the World 11, 12
notice requirement 116
obfuscation 71
Obsolescence 164
obsolete 15, 41
Office Building Acquisition Handbook 13, 105
Office Depot 2, 23, 28, 132
office equipment 163
office politics 175
Offshore printers 138
Ogden, C.K. 69, 70
Old House Journal 151
old media 154
oligipoly 172
oligopoly 88, 92, 105
on approval 122
Onassis, Jackie Kennedy 84
one-book orders 94
one-column format 75
one-man shop 5
one-stop shopping 103
one-upsmanship 159
online catalog 155
Open Records Act 40
opinion 72, 114
opportunity cost 29
order-processing software 135
order form 167
Order form in book 148
ordering information 143
ordinary and necessary expenses 33
orienteering 40
original research 40
orphans 79
Orwell, George 48
other material by the same author 60
out-of-court settlement 116
out-of-date prices 148
outlines 2
out of date 41, 89, 102
out of print 50, 104, 155
overall profitability 91
overhead 27
overnight 97, 131
overview 62
P.O. box 135
Pacer federal court search engine 39
Pacific Heights 152
Pacific Heights movie 50
Packaging 131
packaging 65, 102
packing-tape gun 134
packing slip 91
page-layout software 80
page count 45, 101, 138, 143
page layout 75
page numbers 167
pages per inch 43
pallet 138, 139, 140
pallet jack 139
Palm Tungsten T-3 PDA 96
Pantone Matching System 54
paper 8, 28
paperback 54, 112
paperless office 30
paper magazine 164
paper store 3
paper weight 54
paperwork 101
part-time 9, 45
partnership 171
partnerships 76
Pascal, Blaise 72
passion 19
patent 96
payment schedule 88
PayPal 122
PDA 96
peer 38
penalty 139
pension plan 165
Penthouse Magazine 48
percentage 25
Perfect bound 112
perfect bound 3, 30
Periodicals 170
periodicals 105, 153, 154
Perseus 108
personal code 93
personal data assistant 96
personal expenses 33
personal library 40
personal sentence 67
personal words 67
PGW 89, 90, 91, 93, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 115, 117
Philadelphia 88
Philadelphia Eagles 37, 38
Phillips Publishing 24
phone 163
phone number 135
Phone order 123
phone orders 143
Phone systems 126
photocopy 163
photocopying 30
photograph 80
photographer 61
photographer, professional 50
physical inventory 90
pictures 145
Piggybacking on events 152
pirates 165
Plain English 77
plastic pallets 133
plastic sheets 140
play-by-play 39
playwriting 28
Pliny 72
plumb 83
PMA 170
PMS (Pantone Matching System) 54
point 45, 79
policies 122
Pony Express 12
Popularity 152
popularity contest 172
postage 30, 124
postage meter 35, 134
postage rates 35
postal scale 123, 134
Postal Service 121
post office 45, 97, 103
Poynter 154
Poynter, Dan 11, 18, 19, 33, 45, 59, 60, 61, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 112, 114, 149, 153
ppi (pages per inch) 43
preface 59, 62
premium 13
Prentice-Hall 4
preponderance of the evidence 114
preppy 84
Preservation Hall 126
press 37, 39, 57, 113, 151
press associations 38
Pressline 30
press run 41, 97, 106
Press Women 116
price 49, 100, 102, 154, 165, 173
price-fixing 172
Price cut 121
price cut 97, 102
price on the cover 55
prices 127, 148
price sensitive 43
pricing 149
Primary Colors 48
print-on-demand 41, 55
printer 28, 164
printing 7
print interviews 156
Print media 148, 153
print screen command 44
Priority Mail 103, 121, 123, 124, 131
Prisoners 127
prison record 39
privacy 113
private person 113
probate 19
probate lawyers 16
product quality 149
professional book promoter 153
Professional Football Researchers Association 38, 169
profit margin 97, 102
Promotion 172
pronouns 67
proper names 68
property-wanted ads 40
prop in a movie 50
Proust 72
pseudonym 47
Publication date 153
public domain 97
Public figures 113
publicity 104, 153
public relations 1
public relations firms 155
public speaking 15
published-by-others authors 4
published” author 171
publisher, major 60
Publishers Group West 51, 87, 90, 93, 99, 101, 108, 140
Publishers Marketing Association 88, 170
publishing businesses of others 23
puffery 117
puffier paper 43, 81
Pulitzer Prize 61
punctuation 71
Pushcart Press 57
Putnam 88
Quality books 111
Quickbooks 23
Quicken 23
Quinn, Jane Bryant 38, 153
quotation books 34
quotation marks 71
Qwerty keyboard 74
racketeering enterprise 90
radio and TV appearances 156
radio appearances 5
radio or TV advertising 148
Radio Shack TRS-80 computer 14
Raid slogan 66
ramp 139
rankings 144
read-on-the-airplane books 95
readability 75
readability score 67, 72
reader comments 6, 143, 167
Readers Digest 67
Readers Digest Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual 47
Reading at Risk 6
reading ease 67
Reagan, President 15
real’ publisher 173
real” distributors 175
real” publisher 170, 171, 172
real” publishers 169, 172, 175
real” publishing 171
Real”?publishing 173
real author 98
real book 49, 54
real book author 4
Real Estate Exchange & Acquisition Techniques 62
Real Estate Intelligence Report 24
Real Estate Investing Letter 13, 17, 22, 48, 61
real estate investment 13, 15
real estate investor 16
Real Estate Investor’s Monthly 23, 48, 128
Real Estate Investors Information Center 22
Real Estate Tax Digest 66
real published author 4
real publisher 2, 4, 76, 83
Realtor 38, 48, 58
Realtors 151
Receiving shipments 138
reckless disregard 114
recording 19
recreational vehicle 27
recycling 34, 92
redundant 66
Reed Publishing (John T. Reed) 22
Reed Publishing, U.S. A. 22
reference book 3, 10, 33, 54
reference librarians 40
refund 131
refunds 121, 123, 154, 160
register home page 144
Register of Copyrights 47
regulations 1
release 107, 117
remainder price 89
renewal rate 24
rent control 83
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press 40
reprint 163
reps 102
reputation 25
resale value 157
research 15, 20, 30, 37, 167
Research Institute of America 100
reshipments 55
residential 138
Residential Property Acquisition Handbook 13, 50
resolution 79
retail 100
retail customers 87, 94, 96, 98
retailers 2, 89, 98, 102, 161, 172
retail price 94
retirement 1
returns 2, 55, 88, 89, 91, 101, 106, 111, 154, 160, 172
Returns of review copies 154
Reverse Delayed Exchanges 105
review 112, 153
Review Book Request form 154
review copies 11, 153, 167
reviewers 54
Review package 154
rhyming dictionary 34
Rich Dad, Poor Dad 21
ridge 139
risks 172
Robinson, Leigh 14, 16, 50, 57, 87, 101, 137, 159
Robinson-Patman Act 94
Rockford Files 5
romance language 71
Ross, Harold 84
Rowling, J.K. 4, 175
royalties 4, 5, 91, 98
rubbed book covers (damaged) 53
rubber stamp 154
rudeness 126
run 139
running headers 79
rush 165
rush order 125
S.T.O.P. order 94
Sack, Robert D. 115
Sack on Defamation: Libel, Slander & Related Probl 115
saleable 18
sales figures 155
sales forces 102
sales tax 21, 22, 123, 134, 154
sales tax permit 21
Sand, George 48
San Francisco 141
San Francisco Bay Area 19
San Francisco Chronicle 108
sans serif type fonts 51
Sawyer, Tom 97
Saxon 71
scale 135
Schedule C 1, 21, 32
Scher, Les 159
screenwriting 28
search engine 3, 12, 103
Search engines 144
search engines 145
seasonality 147
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) 108
secretary 27
secret formula 96
Seinfeld 125
self-addressed, stamped, business-size envelope 151
self-addressed, stamped envelopes 152
self-binding 30
self-discipline 1
self-distributing 175
self-distribution 2, 49, 52, 91, 101, 105
self-editing 84
self-esteem 4
self-printing 28
self-publishing 59, 71, 73, 117, 173
Self-Publishing Guide 18
Self-Publishing Manual 11, 33, 45, 59, 60, 61, 96, 98, 101, 114
self-service pump 126
self mailer 148
seminar 13, 14, 15, 19
Seminars 157
sentence length 66, 67
separate work space 27
serif type fonts 51, 75
service (customer) 97
set-up costs 29, 41
set work aside for a day or two 75
Shakespeare 67, 68, 69
Sherman Antitrust Act 94
shipment tracking 121
Shipping 172
shipping 103, 106, 123
shipping area 134
shipping boxes 103
shipping cartons 134
shipping charge 154
shipping charges 148
shipping costs 91, 92
Shipping labels 132
shipping labels 134
shipping labels, international 133
shipping mistakes 135
shopping cart 30, 103, 122, 123, 127, 143
short-run book manufacturers 170
shorter press runs 141
Short shipment 135
short shipment 140
short words 66
shrink wrap 55
signature 140
signatures (book printing) 43
silk screening 30
similar titles 135
Simon & Schuster 16, 109
simple v. complex sentences 66
Single-Family Lease Options 16, 135
Single-Wing Offense for Youth Football 133, 135
Single Title Order Plan 94
Single Wing Coaches Association 39
skydiving 57
sleep late lifestyle 1
Slope 139
slow pay 93
smaller, lighter cartons 141
smaller truck 138
small publishers 87, 108, 115, 138, 160
Small Publishers Association of North America 169
Small Time Operator 57
software 68
sole proprietor 5, 21
song lyric writers 68
Sony 161
Soup Kitchen International 125
Soup Nazi marketing 125
speaker 147, 157
special book manufacturer 80
special fourth class book rate 131
special order 155
special photograph 91
Speeches 157
Spell check 167
spellchecker 28, 84, 85
Spence, Gerry 48
spine 2, 28, 30, 41, 43, 54
spine width 167
spiral binding 2
Spiral Binding Company, Inc. 30
Sports Illustrated 38
sports information directors 37
stage names 48
stained glass window 65
standard author contract 5
standard book price 100
standard book size 100
Standard College Dictionary 71
standard contract 4
standard customer service v. unusual 122
standards committee needed for book publisher website search function 95
Star-Ledger 151
Starr, Marv 66
stationery 23
statistical studies 39
status (social status of authors) 4
status of an order 121
status seeking 156
statute of limitations 116
statutory damages 47
stealing 134
steel shelves 133, 141
Stevenson, Adlai 84
stipulation 107
stitching 54
stock (paper for covers) 53
stock price 122
storage 29
straight-through paper path 3, 31
Strawbridge & Clothier 125
Strawbridge, J. C. 125
Stringer, Howard 109
Strunk, William 66, 71
student discounts 154
style 167
style, writing 66, 69
styles (paragraph, type) 79
Styrefoam peanuts 132
subhead 62, 79
subheads 167
subject 55
subject matter 170
Submitting your site 144
subsidy 172
subsidy publishing 171
substance abuse 76
subtitle 58
Succeeding 9, 18, 32, 81, 105
sucking up 175
suck up 1, 2
sue 93
suggested sequence for buying your books 143
Suleiman, Anver 14
Sunset Boulevard 39
Sunshine Act 40
Super Bowl 38
superceded edition 50
superceded editions 155
supermarkets 95, 97
supplier centric 104
Swanson, Gloria 39
syllables 67, 68, 70
Table of Contents 167
table of contents 28, 59, 62, 79, 143
table of contents page numbers 167
tags 96
talent 9
Tappan, Jr., William T. 62
taste 172
tax-free exchanges 45
tax benefits 21
tax deductions 24, 32
taxes 165
Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program audit 152
tax preparers 16
tax shelter 33
teaching 19
teamster 89
Technique of Clear Writing, The 66, 70
teetotaler 76
telephone 31
templates 79
temporary address 125
temps 134
Tennessee Titans 37
term paper 9, 45
Tevis Cup 12
text book 154
text books 54, 55
thesaurus 34
Thinking Man’s Guide to Pro Football 38
Thomson-Shore 43, 54, 137
Thorndike, E. L. 70
three-column format 75
Time magazine 104
Time magazine Man of the Year 109
times bold 51
Times vs. Sullivan 113
Tobias, Andrew 38
Today Show 156
Tom Sawyer 97
toner cartridges 8, 29
Tonight Show 76
tortious interference with a business relationship 116
Toys R Us 109
tracking 79
trade association 38, 39, 105, 147, 152, 170
trade association publications 154
trade book business 88, 89, 94, 103, 172, 173, 175
trade book publishers 111
trademark 144
trade publishing business 153
trade secret 5
transcription 9, 66, 123
translator 77, 148
transportation costs 27
travel, benefit of 1
travel books 103
travel expenses 27
triage 125
Trial by Fire 48
Tricking your customers to buy is a bad idea. 126
trimmers 30
trite expression 72
truck dock 138, 139
trust 72
truth 114
Tucker, Sophie 101
Tungsten T-3 personal data assistant 31
TurboTax 33
TV and radio appearances 4, 5
TV show placement of a book 50
Twain, Mark 48, 66, 67, 68, 72
two-color table 52
two-column format 75
two-day delivery 97, 131
two-sided printing 164
two-volume set 44
typeface 51, 79
typeset 2, 79
typeset page 45
typesetting 2, 14, 28
type size 79, 167
typewriter 2, 28, 51, 74, 76
U.S. Postal Service (USPS) 45, 103, 124
U.S. Supreme Court 38
unfair competition 22
uninhibited 48
union 140, 169
Universal Pictures 5
unkerned 51
unreadable 66
unsalable books 92
unsalable condition 92
updating 41
UPS 124, 125, 138
up to date 40, 60
Up Your Own Organization 74, 93
USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll 72
used-book sellers 40, 41
used book dealer 156
USPS 132, 148
USPS bins 135
USPS plastic bin 141
UV cover coating 53
vacation 27
van 27
vanity 172
vanity distributors 171
vanity publishers 171
vanity publishing 116, 173
variable costs 29
varnish cover coating 53
Venture capital premium 172
Vietnam 39, 53
Visa 21
Voltaire 66, 72
volume discount 161
vonBraun, Werner 19
WAC (Written Analysis of Case) reader 65
Wal-Mart 102
Walden 98
Wall Street Journal 67, 102, 110
Walsh, Bill 37, 38
warehouse 92, 133
water damage 133
Web browser 144
Web page 6, 105
Web site 3, 5, 12, 23, 30, 45, 49, 50, 51, 59, 60, 61, 62, 94, 96, 97, 99, 105, 113, 115, 123, 127, 143, 144, 145, 155, 167, 170
Weightman legal case 27
Wersching, Ray 37
West Point 5, 68, 71, 77, 126
wet 140
WFAN radio 151
What’s a Landlord to Do? 101
What Color is Your Parachute? 57
whispering on the telephone 123
White, E.B. 66, 71
white space 44, 75
Whitney, Russ 115, 144, 145
Who’s Who in America 18
wholesalers 98, 103
widows 79
Wilson, Woodrow 67
window envelopes 124
Winston cigarettes 65
wire fraud 90
wood floor 133
Word (Microsoft program) 3, 85
word of mouth 11, 105
workers compensation 34
World Almanac 47
World Wide Web 39
worn books 53
write like you talk 66
writer’s block 76
Writer’s Digest 170
Writer’s Legal Guide 113
writing style 66 54 43 119 120 113 116 149 116 47 47 47 6 89 34 132 43 131 144 3 134 htm 29 40 49 49, 122, 145 62 71 71 115, 116 47 115 59 70 40 116 134
www.walterry. com/Progs/Natl/NFPW 116 170
Xerox 8
XML 3, 95, 96
Yageneh, Al 125
Yahoo 143
Yahoo!Store 103, 122, 123
Yahoo!Store Manager 122
Yahoo Store 143
Yellow Pages 173
Your Income Tax 16, 17, 33, 77
youth baseball 17
Youth Baseball Coaching 16, 51, 100
youth football 12
Zebra LP2844 label printer 35
Zimmerman, Paul 38
1000 Years for Revenge 60
18 USC 1001 60
18 USC 1961 90
20/20 61
30-day rule 131
360 Digital Books 43, 54
50-State Survey 115
60 Minutes 4, 5, 38, 40, 151, 152, 153
800-number 22, 122, 123, 134, 151, 153