This is a check list I created for my own use. Recently, it occurred to me that others could benefit from it so why not put it at my Web site.
You use this both to do before or pack when you leave on a business trip and to pack while on the trip before you return home. The latter is to make sure you do not leave anything in your hotel room, relative’s house, distant office, etc.
I'm sure there are other things that could be added. If you think of one, please let me know and if I agree, I will add it and give you credit if you want.
pay bills that will fall due during the trip (unless you can pay electronically while away and plan to)
notify relatives of your contact information during the vacation hotel phone number, hotel room, local police/embassy (suggested by Michael Beifeld)
stop mail and newspapers if you do not have neighbor to get them (Brian Czako)
adjust thermostat so as to reduce climate control bills while away but not turned off so that pipes freeze in winter (Brian Czako)
razor or electric shaver
sweat pants, pajamas, or robe if you will not have a bathroom in your sleeping room, e.g., in the house of a friend or relative, in a hostel, on a train
spare pair of glasses or contact lenses
enough prescription medicine to last duration of the trip (may need to be in original container with your name and other details on it especially if controlled substance)
vitamin and/or mineral supplements
regimen aspirin
nail clippers
ear plugs (Suggested by Joseph Whalen) or acoustic noise-cancelling earmuffs (I take Bose acoustic noise-cancelling earmuffs that are conneted to my iPod)
cell phone (check with your provider about how to get it t owork in the country in question)
cell phone charger plus adaptor plug for the country in question
note pad
reading material
business cards
underwear for each day
socks for each day
shoes for each event
athletic shoes if appropriate
athletic shorts and shirts and workout suit if appropriate
pants for each event
shirts for each event (have your laundry box rather than put them on hangers)
sports coats
raincoat (if weather forecast warrants and you will need to go outdoors)
coat and gloves if cold
bathing suit if a pool or hot tub will be available and used by you
luggage key (for when it is in your room, not in the costody of an airline)
belt for each event
your personal calendar
tickets for plane, train, or other transportation
cash for tips, etc.
addresses and phone numbers of friends, relatives, and contacts in the destination area
check book
photo ID
credit and ATM cards and make sure you know or have the PINs for them
key to get back into house or apartment upon return
car key if parking car at departure point
pen or pencil and spare
street map of destination area
itinerary of trip
confirmation numbers for all travel and lodging arrangements as well as addresses for you and cab drivers and phone number of hotel in case you need to call to report late arrivals or similar situations
camera (if cell phone camera is inadequate)
charger for camera (Gary Czora)
spare memory card (or film) for camera (suggested by Lt Chris Garvin, USN)
laptop computer
laptop computer charger with adaptor plug forthe country in question
birth control and/or other items for having sex during trip if appropriate
exercise equipment if any (e.g. rubber exercise bands)
frequent flier cards/free drink coupons (suggested by Lt Chris Garvin, USN)
iPod earphones or noise canceling earphones and spare batteries for them)
iPod charger with adaptor plug for the country in question
travel first-aid kit (suggested by Oliver Jones)
Imodium A-D, dramamine, band-aids, etc.
mosquito repellent
fanny pack
Navigation devices (Garmin, TomTom etc. suggested by Carey Ryan)
dental retainers
Antibacterial moist towelettes (suggested by Travis Bayne)
eyeglasses repair kit including hinge screws and tiny screw driver for installing them (suggested by Oliver Jones)
items pertaining to the purpose of the trip like presentation materials, handouts, scientific instruments, etc.
If you have a GOES card, take it on domestic flights. It supposedly only applies to returning to the U.S. from abroad but it seems to get you into express lines at security in some airports within the U.S.
Club membership card if you are staying in a club that has a reciprocal arrangement with your club
Your U.S. National Park senior pass (discount) card if you may visit a U.S. National Park on your trip
Remove from wallet and pockets unneeded stuff like car keys and wallet contents not applicabel to the destination area
foreign currency you have left over from your last trip to the country in question for initial purchases, tips, cab fares before you can get to a local ATM in the foreign country
Make sure your carry-on and other baggage meet size and weight limits of all airlines on which you will fly during the trip.
Passwords for the various things you do that require passwords
passport book (suggested by Lt Chris Garvin, USN) (Preedee Chenhansa adds that you should make multiple photocopies of your passport and leave one at home, take some with you and carry them in different places from your passport in case you lose the passport—supposedly, having the photocopies will expedite getting a replacement passport)
passport card if you have one as a back-up to be carried in a different location than your passport book or are going to a country that accepts the card in lieu of the book (for travel into the United States from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda at land border crossings or sea ports-of-entry)
your debit/credit card PINs which are necessary for getting cash from ATMs in many foreign countries (suggested by Oliver Jones)
multiplug adapter in order to plug chargers into non-U.S. outlets (suggested by Oliver Jones)
international drivers permit (Go to your local AAA office and get an International Driver's License. The cost is $15, plus the cost of a passport sized photo, also about $15. The license is good for a year, is honored in more than 150 countries, and you get to determine the date when it initially becomes valid. From Gary Townsend)
Call your bank/credit card companies to notify you will be traveling abroad. (Suggested by Carey Ryan)
Money belt (suggested by Travis Bayne)
Debit/ATM cards for bank accounts you have in the country(ies) you will be visiting, learn daily limits
Debit/ATM card from your U.S. bank (let’s you convert USD to foreign currency via an ATM in the foreign country—I suggest Charles Schwab Bank because they do not levy any fee for using your US ATM card in a foreign-currency ATM; USAA, for example, charges 1%)
Make sure your balance in the account tied to the ATM card you plan to use in the country in question has enough money in it for the total expected withdravals you plan to make while in the country.
Credit card from your U.S. bank (I suggest Capital One because they do not charge a fee for transactions in other than U.S. dollars.)
GOES/NEXUS card (if you plan to return to the U.S. and/or enter Canada or Mexico)
safe deposit box key if you plan to visit a safe deposit box you have in the destination area
copy of your most recent bank statement for each of your foreign banks in the area you are visiting to have account numbers and other information