from John T. Reed Publishing
342 Bryan Drive, Alamo, CA 94507
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: John T. Reed 925-820-7262; fax, 925-820-1259

New self-publishing book says stay out of book stores

Alamo, CA, February 28, 2005-How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Own How-To Book has just been released. Author John T. Reed has self-published approximately 50 how-to books on real estate investment, football and baseball coaching, and succeeding since his first in 1981 and has long made his full-time living from those books. After twenty years being distributed nationwide by Publishers Group West in both brick and mortar and Internet book stores, he also became a self-distributor thanks to the Internet.

Reed's first book was published by a “real” publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. He has been asked by a number of other publishers like Simon & Schuster and McGraw-Hill to write books for them. Reed did not like his experience with Harcourt and subsequently turned down the other publishers.

Reed's book-store distributor, Publishers Group West, terminated their distribution relationship with him effective 7/31/01. To his amazement, Reed found that his net income immediately jumped 70%. A comparison of his last full year in the book stores-2000-with his first full year out of the book stores-2002-showed that Reed's net income went up 257%! “I was crazy to stay in the book stores so long,” Reed now says.

The Internet changes everything. Reed now distributes all his books solely through his Web site Since Reed only publishes how-to books, it is easy for his readers to find them through search engines. By requiring all of his customers to order only through his Internet shopping cart, he gets them to process their own orders. All Reed needs to do is write the books and ship them. With part-time help from a son, Reed earns a six-figure self-publishing net income as a sole proprietor from his home office.

“Book stores, including Internet book stores like Amazon, are obsolete. Publishers may be obsolete,” says Reed. “There will still be a need for grocery stores to sell last-minute gift books and for airports to sell last-minute read-during-the-flight books, but other books can and will generally be purchased direct from authors and publishers via the Internet. The Internet eliminates middlemen. Book stores are middlemen. So are publishers to a large extent. Authors who use publishers or distributors are cutting their net income to a fraction of what it would otherwise be. Many want the prestige of 'being published' and being in book stores to impress their friends and relatives who are ignorant of the economics of the trade-book business. But eventually, authors will get tired of foregoing tens of thousands of dollars of income-or more-for that prestige.”

Reed holds a B.S. degree from West Point and a M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. He is also the self-publisher of Real Estate Investor's Monthly, a nationwide newsletter.