John T. Reed’s comments
on today's Headline News
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Be your own boss

Writing books for a living is a great life. You are your own boss, work at home, wear comfortable clothes, take midday naps if you wish, set your own hours, attend no meetings, and get paid for your knowledge. There is no office politics. If you write a good book, you will do well. If you write a mediocre book, you will do less well. If you write a lousy book, you will not do well. In short, you will be judged, and paid, by your work, not by your ability to suck up to the boss.

Money arrives in your bank account while you work, eat, sleep, work out, travel, whatever. Fan mail and calls arrive in your email and mail boxes and answering machine continuously. You will help thousands of people—maybe tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands depending on how many copies you sell. If you tell people how to help others—as Reed’s coaching books do—you will vicariously help tens of thousands of people through your readers.

Self-publishing your own how-to books is lucrative if you sell a lot of a few books or a few of a lot of books. John T. Reed has long made a six-figure net income from his self-publishing. If you only write and publish one book, you can realistically expect to make around $6,000 a year if you enjoy modest success. That’s $6,000 a year for the rest of your life. Actually, it’s $6,000 for the rest of your life plus 70 years. That’s when the copyright runs out. So if they are interested, your heirs can benefit from the book after you are gone.

Reed has self-published 110+ books. He also has self-published a nationwide newsletter for 29 years.

The Internet changes everything. Previously, selling your own book without the help of distributors and book stores was difficult. But with the Internet, you just put up a Web site and the orders flow in continuously. Typically, you will sell your first copy within hours of your Web site being known to the search engines.

How To Write, Publish, and Sell Your Own How-To Book covers:

See the table of contents and index for more details.

Warning: Book stores falsely tell you they can sell you my books. I am the sole author and publisher. I do not sell to any libary or book store including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and so forth. Therefore, they cannot have any new books of mine to sell you.

$29.95, 190 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 paperback